Horse Handling Values

The following excerpt is from our staff onboarding manual. While our training, perspective and skills go well beyond the two values of thoughtful engagement and partnership, these are our foundational blocks when handling our horses.

Horse Handling 

Thoughtful Engagement 

We will engage with our horses as the unique, sentient beings they are. We will take time to be patient and thoughtful in how we approach, treat and partner with them. While engaging, we consider their personality, likes/dislikes and needs. We will offer them unconditional positive regard in our thoughts, feelings, words and actions.  


We do not view horses as a tool we use to help people. We view them as a valued partner in the work we provide for our community. Just as we partner with the horses to provide a service, we must partner with our farm manager to assure we are handling them consistently. We understand that each interaction with a horse teaches them something. This should be a consistent message that their leader is in charge and will be present, patient and gentle with them.  


Elements of a Lesson


Horse Feature: Scarlet